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Being Spontaneous

Finally! I am done cleaning the stove. This was not a chore I planned. The idea was to wipe the top of the electric stove and the back splash with a very hot soapy rag. La la la I go and before I know it I have disassembled the stove top and scoured gunk off the drip bowls and then took off the range fan filter to scrub the grease off with baking soda (better than cleanser). Yeah, I know, I can purchase the drip bowls and fan filter at the hardware store. No need to exert extra muscle power. Here's the thing: I'm in the middle of cleaning the stove and there's no guarantee that our local hardware shop will have the precise things. And, if it doesn't, then that would mean a trip to one of the big box hardware stores in the next town, less than 20 miles away. Wait for it. Here it comes. . . But, if traffic is stop-and-go on the two-lane highway out of our town, which can happen any time of the day, any day of the week. (Nobody wanted to think ahead about the incr

On Alert

While Molly was chewing on grass this morning, someone coasted to a stop in front of our house. Molly quickly came to attention.  She watched the woman park, get out of her car, and walk across the street. Midway, the woman turned back to her car. Molly, who probably thought the stranger was heading into our yard, zooooooooomed past me and into the house. So much for Molly the Guard Cat. I'm participating in a new linky part today. It's called Friday Photo Journal , hosted by Melissa at Serendipity is Sweet . Check it out here .  Thanks, Melissa!

The Party's Over

Molly the Cat plays as hard as she sleeps.  And, when she's done playing, she's done.  Over and out!

Edwina the Ecru Egret

On the 88th floor of the Earhart edifice, Edwina the Ecru Egret pressed the down button to the elevator. She was exhausted. She had spent the last hour consulting with a career expert. "You have enormous empathy for your fellow egrets," the counselor evoked enthusiastically. "You would excel exceedingly well in educational counseling." Edwina sighed. How could she help others when editing her own life was sometimes an elegiac effort? Perhaps she ought to be an eyelet punch operator. The elevator doors opened. "Edwina, my darling girl!" "Agathe!" the ecru egret exulted. "How was Europe?" The two old friends hugged and kissed. "Europe was enchanting," Agathe the Aaardvark exclaimed. "I must go pay this electrical bill. Could you wait for me? Maybe have lunch?" Edwina had no other engagement so Agathe expressed herself down the hall and was back at the elevator in no time at all. "I love your

First Sightings of Spring

On Saturday, I saw a few California poppies waving "Hey ya! Hi ya! How ya?" from some slopes along the road. Whooo-hooo! I also saw irises nestled in with some yellow ice plants along a sidewalk in the town next over. Yippieee! On the home front, our ornamental pear tree is full of snow-white blossoms.  Wheeeeeeee!   I'm hooking up with Our World Tuesday . Here's the link for you to check out participants from around the world, and maybe to join up yourself. Thanks, Our World Tuesday hosts!