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Day 36 with Tilda-Hilda

Tilda-Hilda's and my mantra today was: Traverse, traverse, traverse. Zig-zag up the hill. Because we have a late morning appointment, we did a short ride today. It was invigorating. I averaged an 11.1 mph pace on our 7.77 mile route (I love the redundancy in digits) in 42 minutes. I discovered something today. A bicycle ride can clear up a morning headache. Yaay! Until the next time.

Five Things On My Desk

I have more like 200+ things on my desk if I were to count individual papers and photographs. My desk was originally a kitchen table, which means chaos rules.  Though I think it's relatively neat at the moment. Okay, five things that are on my desk. Two seeds—an apricot pit and a lemon seed from fruit in our backyard. Well, there aren't any more apricots. The Mama, the Husband, and I happily ate them all. Molly the Cat turned her nose to them. A brown rubber lizard. I got it and several of its siblings more than 30 years ago. I gave the siblings away as trick gifts. Yes, I've scared people with the lizard. It doesn't have a name. I wonder if it would like to be called Buddy.  My address book that fits neatly in my purse, if I remember to bring it.  A paperweight that has a dandelion inside it. The Father-in-law gifted it to me long ago. Recipes for soft gingerbread cookies, lemon-poppy seed quick bread, and a friend's mom's recipe for Spanish rice.

Day 35 with Tilda-Hilda

The other night I dreamt that Tilda-Hilda had two flat tires. I asked the Husband what that could mean. "I don't know," he said. "Maybe it has to do with the car tires we're going to buy." I hope so. Knock on wood that Tilda-Hilda doesn't ever get two flat tires at the same time. Just before I went out the door this morning, the Mama called out to me from her bedroom. I peeked in and told her I was going for a ride. She sat up in bed. "Don't go far," she said. "I won't." The dream. The Mama's warning. A sky that looked like it could rain. Maybe I shouldn't go out, I thought. But, it had been two days since the last ride. And, my appetite has been up lately. So, out the door I went. Tilda-Hilda and I pedaled for 78 minutes, roaming around 14.5 miles, today. No flats. Okay, I didn't pay attention to the Mama. But, I did turn around on one road when I saw a Confederate flag.

Random Scenes: First Meeting

First Meeting by Su- sieee ! Mac Lianne and Brian tumbled to the sand, their legs tangling together. Two barking Saint Bernard puppies rushed up and climbed all over them. “Off, Pooch! Get off!” Lianne and Brian said at the same time in the same stern voice. Neither of the puppies obeyed.  “I give up!” Lianne laughed and tried to cover her face from an exuberant dog’s tongue. “You can’t give up!” Brian said between laughs. “Stop that Pooch!” “Look after your own dog,” said Lianne, managing to get a hold of her dog. “That’s what I am,” Brian said, holding his puppy to his chest.  “Your dog's name is Pooch?’”  “Yup.” “Copy cat.” “Pooch?” He nodded to Lianne’s pup.  “You bet.”  Brian grinned. “I’m in the midst of a genius.” “Or mediocrity,” said Lianne, grinning back. "What have we here?" Lianne gazed up at a tall woman who looked like she stepped out of a fashion magazine. "Honey," said Brian, his legs still entwined with Li

From Bela Lugosi to Tina Fey

By Screenshot from "Internet Archive" of the movie Dracula (1931) ( [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons Blogger friend Birgit of BB Creations is a movie maven. (I don't know anyone else who has seen Start the Revolution Without Me .) Several days ago, she did a post around the concept of six degrees of separation. Within five moves, she connected Strangers on a Train to Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure in five moves.  Check out the post yourself. After reading Birgit's post, I wondered if you could connect any two actors within six moves.  Bela Lugosi and Tina Fey, for instance.  Birgit made the connection, but she's giving me a chance to make my connection before unveiling hers. If she hadn't, I probably wouldn't.  Researching the question was fun and didn't take as long as I thought it would.  So, here you go: How Bela Lugosi and Tina Fey are connected. 1. Bela Lugosi and Greta Garbo