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Day 6 with Tilda-Hilda

Tilda-Hilda and I did a short ride today. We headed downtown to the bicycle shop. And, now the girl is looking happy with a brand-new front tire. No more bump, bump, bump for her.


  1. Good for you-She is brand new!

    1. I liked imagining that she was waltzing home like the famous Waltzing Mathilda.

  2. She looks so proud, sitting in the sunshine.

    1. Hey Manzi! The Husband and I were at the Morgan Hill Mushroom Mardi Gras over Memorial Day and met a vendor who has a business called "Manzanita Magic". They sell crafts carved out of manzanita wood.

  3. Replies
    1. Tilda-Hilda curtseys. She thinks she's a horse.

  4. I make my dad change my bike tires because it is cheaper, but I really should figure out how to do it myself. I tried once, and it did not go so well.

    1. I ought to learn, too. Tilda-Hilda and I have walked home from afar a couple of times because of silly things that get embedded in her tire.


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Thanks for the good cheer. :-)

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