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Betting Against the Husband


The Husband says I am predictable with my choice of music, which is why he made a bet with me yesterday afternoon.

"What do you think I'm going to play?" asked I, as I headed towards the Bose player with a CD in my hand.

"Da da dah da da dah....." The Husband sang the first notes of "Baroque and Blue" performed by Claude Bolling and Jean-Pierre Rampal.  Our small music collection consists of CDs of our favorite albums of yore, and I do like to play one of two Bolling CDs on a sunny afternoon.

"Want to bet ten bucks on that?" The Husband doesn't bet unless it's a sure thing that he is right.

"Sure." he said to my surprise. But, then, according to him, I am predictable.


I inserted the CD. Santana! Ha!

"You owe me $10!"


"You lost the bet."

The Husband groaned.

"I'll put it on your tab."

It isn't often that I catch the Husband off guard to get him to bet. Hee heee.

I love the Husband.

Those drawings illustrated previous stories I wrote about the Husband and me. If you're interested in reading, or re-reading them, here are the links to the stories: Your Grandparents' Music (top left drawing),  X-Factor (top right), The Wager (bottom right), and Grey Hair Stops Cars (bottom left).

Today, I'm hanging out at All Seasons and Mosaic Monday. Come check out the other participants with me.  Thanks to the lovely hosts—Jesh, of All Seasons, and Angie, of Mosaic Monday.


  1. I get mine from Amazon Prime, I use the shuffle option so it's anyone's guess.

    1. We have Amazon Prime but too lazy to explore the music portion. Silly us.

  2. So sweet. My husband would be right 9 times out of 10. Our size difference is the same as yours but I win the age difference.

  3. Don’t let that guy run his gambling tab up too high )). Thanks for the linkbacks as I wasn’t reading you back then...loved ‘gray hair stops cars ‘and I remember how surprised I was when that kind of thing started happening to us.. (now I’m old enough to accept it happily and even expect it as my due. ). Gonna’ read the rest of your links now ,

    1. lol. I ought to collect the $10 before he forgets, which he will, that he bet me. I did make sure to write his IOU in my notebook immediately. hahaha

  4. Susieee! When you've married as long as most of us, it gets pretty hard to surprise the spouse. I suppose that means we are set in our ways … I love how you are wearing two pairs of glasses in two of the photos - obviously, one pair is not enough! And you show that same pink pair of glasses in one of your drawings - love it. I am so glad you kick-started Mosaic Monday this week! Have a great one!

    1. I love when we surprise each other with something new about ourselves. Since we're going through our parents' stuff slowly, every now and then we each recall a new story from the past.
      Yup I wear a pair of cheap sunglasses over my eyeglasses. I'm so glad it works. Not heavy at all on my nose which surprises me.

  5. Heart yesterday a concert according the 300th Birthday of Mozart... it was fascinating.

    Love your drawings! I enjoyed your Post.... Happy MosaicMonday!

  6. I always love visiting you - you made me smile this morning. A great way to start the day!

  7. ...neat beard, mine is longer, but I don't have that much hair. Perhaps things even out. Enjoy!

    1. Wowza, you must have one long, thick beard. The Husband's gets quite stringy when it gets a few more inches longer.

  8. Hello, hubby and I have similar bets. No money involved. Love the photos of you two and the drawings. Happy Monday, enjoy your day and new week ahead.

    1. Thanks, Eileen. Sometimes we make nonmonetary bets. Those are more fun, but I couldn't resist betting $ this time because it was a sure win for me.

  9. That's the way it is with my husband. My claim to fame is that I can walk under freeway signs without stooping. I like your illustrations. That's what I have on my post this week since I've been participating in a 30-day drawing challenge.. - Margy

    1. A very cool thing to be famous for, I say. Thanks for the compliment about my drawings. :-)

  10. Replies
    1. Yup, those are my illustrations, thanks for asking.

  11. Luv your stories Susiee. Fun mosaic. Wishing you both a lovely Mondah


  12. Way to go on winning the bet. It's good you both have your strengths and that's the tall and short of it. Happy new week to you.

  13. He really shouldn't have fallen for that. He already made his guess and then you offered to bet? He wasn't paying attention.

  14. I'd NEVER be able to guess what you'd choose . . . You are always a delightful surprise to me.
    I sure do like reading about your life . . . You and your sweetheart are such good friends.
    Now that I try to thank you for sharing . . i can't even think of the right kind of words to express how wonderful it is to read about the sweetness in everything you do . . . .

    1. Thank you, G. I love the way you find the sweetness in things. It's something for me to think about that maybe there is sweetness when I'm growling. :-)

  15. Well oye como va, babi, you got yerself 10 bones. I have found my hair to be looking more and more like ur hubby's unless completely tamed by a drenching shower.

    1. I've always thought curly out-of-control hair so very cool. Mine is straight. It's been awhile since I had a perm. Maybe one more time for the Gipper. I love the magnetized Brillo look.

    2. Ha, Brillo Pad was one of my many hair inspired nicknames.

  16. Heh, heh, heh . . . Dear Susiee's Husband, there's no such thing as a 'sure thing' :)

    1. I tried betting him again this afternoon about what I was about to play. He wouldn't take it.

  17. What cute drawings of the two of you! And yes, my husband is Tall and Thin...I'm shorter! heehee! Fun post! Enjoy your afternoon!

  18. How fun! Someone told me that all couples are put together because they need the other! Love the photos and the drawings.

    1. Thanks, Betty. Both the Husband and I agree that we have no idea where we'd be without the other.


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