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Molly the Cat's ABC Wednesday Movie

The Humans in this household like to watch movies in the afternoon. Three or four times a week, they do. Their movies come in the mail in a red envelope. I like it when one comes because the Lady or the Hero Man holds up that something-red and announces gleefully, "We got a movie!"

I heard the Lady say that she has seen so many movies she can't remember one from the next. A couple times they got a movie that they've already seen. But they don't seem to mind.

The Hero Man lets the Lady choose the movies. She's purrrrrty even-handed, choosing a sci-fi movie for him for every girrrly movie for her. Both like comedies. Sometimes a movie ends and the Lady says, "That wasn't a comedy."

The Lady decided to do a movie theme for the new round of ABC Wednesday, even creating a list of movies she might write about. But she ran out of steam. "You do it, Molly," she said.

Mewwwwww. So I am. Here's my first pick. Purrrrrrr.

Albert Nobbs

Setting: A fancy hotel in Dublin during the late 1800s.

Albert Nobbs, a butler, pines to have a marriage like his good friend Hubert Page, the hotel painter.  So, Albert sets off courting Helen Dawes, the maid who is in love with Joe, the new boilerman and a big, gross bully. Albert is a reticent mousey-looking person compared to vibrant handsome Joe. Let's see, quiet vs. buzzy? Bland vs. ooh-la-la? Who will stand by Helen when she becomes pregnant?

A straight-forward story, you're probably thinking. Not at all. Adding to the complexity of the tale is this: Albert Nobbs is a woman who chose to pose as a man in order to be steadily employed. His friend Hubert is also a woman disguised as a man.

The movie is based on the novella The Singular Life of Albert Nobbs by George Moore.
It was directed by Rodrigo Garcia, coming out in 2011. Glenn Close played the part of Albert Noble, having first performed the role on stage in 1982. It took her about 30 years to get the stage play made into a movie. Ms. Close was purrrrrrrrrrty awesome. So were the other actors.

A note from Su-sieee! Mac: ABC Wednesday begins round 21 under the new administrator Melody and her new team. It also has a new home. Happy Trails, new ABCW team!  To check out the other participants writing about the letter A, along with linking up, if you're interested, click here



  1. Intriguing movie ~ I enjoy Molly's pick ~ and enjoy movies! ^_^

  2. This should be fun. This one sounds intriguing.

  3. I saw the trailer at the time, but not the actual film!

    1. This is a film to watch twice, the second to get all the nuances that you missed the first time. So, Molly says.

  4. I have not seen it.. so I can not say anything about it but what I do like is that you, like some other participants, have choosen an theme to enter all the letters in this round.
    I am looking forward to your next entries!!

    Thank you for your first entry in the new home of ABC!

    Have a splendid and ♥-warming ABC-day / -week
    Melody (team abcw)

    1. Molly and I are going to enjoy checking out the various themes.

  5. What an interesting twist . . .immediately went to add this film to my netflix list - only to find out I'd rated it in 2012 - I only remember seeing the trailer in a theater . . . hmmm, interesting. So, i added it, because i obviously don't remember.

    Thank you for adding that comedies are sometimes not - I often wonder why people are laughing - (and sometimes hope they don't see the tears in my eyes) - feels like I'm "out-of-sync." sure am grateful you exist . . . You & Molly and Hero Man . . .

    love & love,

    1. The Hero Man didn't remember seeing this movie either. You're purrrrrty purrrrrfect too, Ms. G.

  6. This is really funny. My dog Bailey loves when we watch a movie. He hops up on his blanket on the sofa and cuddles up for a tummy rub. If we watch late into the evening, he gets up and puts himself to bed in the other room :)

  7. Molly knows how to purrrrfectly write about this film. I enjoyed the film and was surprised by the ending. Glenn Close is excellent in this role. For a comedy, Have you ever seen It's a Mad, mad, Mad, Mad World? Or, for Molly, The Cat from Outer Space?

    1. Purrrrr. The Humans watched Mad, Mad, Word a few weeks ago. Hero Man was in stitches. We don't know what was wrong with Missus Lady's humor that day. The Cat from Outer Space? Purrrrrrrr. Must watch that.

  8. It's nice to hear from Molly the cat. That does sound like a very interesting movie. I always enjoy Glenn Close. I was going to try and join that alphabet thing. Better late than never. I'll try and get something written in a little while even if it is Thursday. :)

  9. Excellent choice, Molly. I enjoyed it immensely. Glenn Close is one of those actors who chines in everything she does. Even in Guardians of the Galaxy! :D

    1. She was in Guardians? Good reason for the Humans to watch it again!

    2. She plays Nova Prime the leader of the Nova Corps on Xandar. :)

  10. I don't know the movie, but Arthur the cat loves to watch "Golf" (we don't) then he would look under the TV for the ball !

  11. A long time ago, I had Filipino movies mailed to me a couple at a time. It was so convenient just doing exchanged thru my mailbox. Have fun with your movies.

    1. I wish I'd know that was possible, I would've got a subscription for the Mama. She would've enjoyed that.


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