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A Lazy Sunday

"It's 9:01!" "It is!" exclaimed the Husband, throwing the bed covers off him. As if it mattered that we got up late. We didn't have to get anywhere or have anything done by 9:00 a.m. today.  Although getting up later meant no early bike ride with Tilda-Hilda. Maybe we'll go for a spin around the neighborhood after I rake leaves in the backyard and prune some vines and such in the front yard. I wondered why our alarm clock didn't wake us up. I opened the blinds in the living room. Molly the Cat looked up from the couch. Ha! The Mama? I peeked into her bedroom. She was sleeping soundly. Yes, a perfect Sunday morning. Now a perfect Sunday afternoon. I still haven't gone outside. Those colored pencils distracted me.

Day 81 with Tilda-Hilda

Tilda-Hilda and I pedaled just over seven miles in 42 minutes this morning. Hurrah!

The Search for the Missing Teeth

"Are my teeth over there?" asked the Mama, as she slowly shuffled towards the kitchen. Hence, began an all-day search for the Mama's dentures. We went through her clothes pockets, looked behind and under things, moved things from here to there in her bedroom and bathroom, the kitchen, the hallway, and the living room. Several times. The fortunate thing was that the Mama had not gone outside into her garden that morning. The plus side to the Mama misplacing her dentures was that she found her cute, green hand towels and she reorganized her bathroom. I also think she was mentally stimulated by the challenge. I thought I could see her brain cells tightening as she recalled more of her path between the kitchen and her bedroom. So, where did the Mama finally find her dentures? Precisely where she put them. In her vest pocket, which was on her bedroom closet floor. The one piece of clothing she normally wears that we had not thought to look through. Oh well. I&

Day 80 with Tilda-Hilda

Brrrr.  The frost was heavy on the roof tops and fields this morning. Maybe if I hadn't eaten that second helping yesterday, I wouldn't have insisted on going.  Hilda-Tilda and I pedaled 6.5 miles in 42 minutes.

Day 79 with Tilda-Hilda

Tilda-Hilda and I pedaled nearly six miles in 41 minutes this morning. We managed to get up a couple of hills that we hadn't done in a few months. I am very thankful that we still have the power. To break up the difficulty of the first hill, we popped by to say hello to the Daddy. Tilda-Hilda requested a photo with him. I think the Daddy would've been happily surprised that Tilda-Hilda is bright pink. Best wishes and Happy Giving of Thanks Day to you all, Dear Readers!