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Savory and Sweet Scones

On Saturday, I decided to experiment with baking savory and sweet scones in the same pan. Hmm, I could've baked a full pan of both and stuck half of the scones in the freezer. That just dawned on me. But then, I'd have to remember to rotate the pans in the oven so that they each became evenly undercooked, burnt, or just right. Besides, if I had tried going for full recipes that day, I would've found out I didn't have enough rice flour.

As you can tell, I'm a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants baker. (Do I need all those hyphens?)

Heads up, all you gentle readers who are precise measurers (measurists?) out there. Be prepared to shudder.

Savory Scones Ingredients
Handful of fresh chives, minced
2 garlic cloves, minced
1.5-inch chunk of cheddar cheese, grated

Sweet Scones Ingredients
Brown sugar (almost 1/2 a cup)
Chocolate chips (just more than a 1/3 cup)

I made the scones gluten-free because I didn't have whole-wheat flour on hand. Better on the tummy anyway. I shook the flours from their bags into the bowls. I'm not kidding. The husband should take a video of me baking. If you want the correct proportion of the flours for a gluten-free mix, check here.

Dry Ingredients
Rice flour
Tapioca flour
Potato flour
Barley flakes (That's what we decided they were.)
Baking powder

Wet Ingredients
1 egg
Juice from half a lemon
Olive oil

In Which Batch Did It Go?
Yogurt (I think it went into the savory mix, but I'm just not sure.)

Baking Time: About 20 minutes

Experiment Results
Batter: The sweet mix was a bit runny, while the savory mix was a bit dry. I forgot to make the scone cuts before baking. So, maybe I had baked a coffee cake instead.

Taste: The husband and the mama both said, "Yum."  I agree.

Conclusion: I will bake savory and sweet scones in the same pan, again. One day. Maybe with measured amounts.

P.S. I'm having fun at Skip to My Lou's Monday blog hop. Check out recipes and craft instructions with me, by clicking here.


  1. Looks interesting! I wish my house would eat more "different" stuff. It would be fun to experiment. My baking is pretty loosy goosy, but you've got me beat. :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! Hope you do try to dye yarn. It is addictive. So fun!

  2. You measure like I do.. We don't. I grew us watching my Grandmother bake. I'd ask her how much of this or than and she'd always answer, "Oh, a handful" or how about this one..."Just keep pouring until it feels right." So that's how I learned to cook, too."

    Looks great and if it got the Yum from Mama and the husband, it must be worthy. Good job!

  3. Sara, I'm betting that my yarn dyeing will be like my baking. I'm looking forward to it. :-)

    Manzi,"Just keep pouring until it feels right."

  4. Baking them both in the same pan is a great shortcut and satisfies everyone's tastes! Brilliant idea.

  5. A virtual Yum from Korea. I like how you presented the recipe in easy-to-understand steps. My friends from the UK pronounce scones "scuns".

  6. Thank you Whimsical Creations. :-)

    Bybee, now, I'm going to be saying "scuns" whenever I make or eat them. Thank you.


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Thanks for the good cheer. :-)

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