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Impatient for the Last Frost

Boooooo! So-and-so website estimates that the last frost in my area will be between March 1 and March 10. Huff.  I want to sow the flower seed mixes that when (notice I saw 'when' not 'if') they blossom shall be yummmm nectar for the bees, butterflies, and other buggy guys living or roaming around our house.  Hmmm. I could just sow a little bit from each packet mix now and the rest when the seeds are supposed to meet dirt. Be an experiment: See what works. Guess what I'm going to do tomorrow if it's not raining?

Zabaglione, Molly?

"No, thank you. Zabaglione is not for me," said Molly the Cat. Very politely too. Missy waited patiently by her little table. That's one of the ways she lets us know that she's ready for a meal. Yup. Our darling spoiled feline has a table, which is actually a small cheese board, placed sweetly upon a placemat. Molly likes to keep a few of her balls nearby. Zort, as Pinky of "Pinky and the Brain" would say. It's the letter Z at ABC Wednesday . Another end of a round, thank you very much ABCW team. Want to join in and/or check out the other Z participants?  Click here then. 

Cheers to a New Calendar Year!

"What got into you?" asked the Husband, looking across the table as I cracked walnuts. "The bananas got browner just like you said would happen," I answered. We bought the bunch of organic bananas yesterday afternoon. I only wanted three bananas, but when I saw that the bananas were a bunch for a dollar, I couldn't bring myself to buy three bananas when I could purchase eight for the same price. Would you? I don't remember if I fully answered the Husband's question. I recall that he went back to checking out Facebook so I must've said that I want the walnuts for making banana bread. Now I think I'll bake scones. Easier. Then I'll freeze the rest of the bananas. I found out I don't even need to peel, slice, or stick them in freezer bags. And when I want to use one or two for baking or smoothies, I simply microwave the bananas for a minute or two. Voila! It's been a good new year so far. I've been very productive, too. Alon