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The Night Sky?

What do you think that edited photo is? Did you guess young apricot tree stumps and roots? I didn't think so. Here's the original shot. I was hacking away at the stumps this afternoon. It was either now or never, getting rid of these apricot trees that were grown from seeds that the Mama planted maybe seven or eight years ago. The trees are too close to the fence, and if all five apricot trees reached full growth, well that's a lot of shade back there. Nothing else would be able to grow. Not to say the neighbors would gripe about the mess of fruit falling over the fence. (I am leaving one tree intact.) I thought I could dig the tree stumps out. Ha! As I sawed the trunks as close to the ground as possible, I started seeing possibilities of garden art out of these things. So, we shall see.

A Day with the Daffodils

"There are the Daffodils!" Bingo and Bubba darted above the dolphins. How the Byrd siblings love to visit with the triplets—Davey and her brothers Dicky and Danny—who dwell near the docks in the delta in December.  "Yi-haw!"   "Whooo-hooo!" Dicky and Danny dived out of the water in dizzy delight, nearly bumping into Bingo and Bubba. "Watch it, guys," drawled Davey. "You don't want to dump those Byrds into the drink." "We're practicing our disco moves," declared Dicky. Danny divulged how they were pretending to be John Travolta. "Delightful," said Bingo, dipping her wing in the air. "We'll join you." The Daffodils and the Byrds danced, danced, and danced some more. When they were done, they decompressed by the docks, sipping daiquiris and discussing the Byrd siblings' updates on Charlie the Camel and Agathe the Aardvark . As the Byrds departed home, the Daffodils called

Front Yard Progression

May 2016 It's been awhile since I've updated the progress of the front yard, which some of you know was a once-upon-a-time lawn. The Husband and I didn't like the lawn because of the upkeep (on his part) and its need for too much water, especially during droughts. But, because the Mama liked having a well-manicured lawn, well, there you have it. When the Mama soared into the universe, thus began the undoing of the lawn. September 2016 January 2017 July 2017 Today, January 30, 2018 Hopefully, come late Spring, sunflowers will be growing in that empty patch on the left, as well as here and there in the foreground. Can't get enough sunflowers. I'll also be sowing wildflowers in that empty patch to see if it was simply a fluke that they didn't so well last year. Last fall, I transplanted some canna lilies nearby. If they like the area, they'll take over like a wildfire, which is okay with me. Onward and upward. I'm hooking up

What Do You Want?

Mwrrrrr. "It's nap time," says Molly the Cat, "Go bother Hero Man."  

Finding Zen With Muddy Hands

"How are you doing?" asked the mailman, as he stuck a bunch of letters and magazines in our mailbox. "Happy now that I'm playing out here," I said sitting on my green stool in the middle of the yard, my hands muddy from pulling weeds and sticking plants into the damp soil. Who would've thunk that gardening has become one way for me to find zen? Definitely not me.     I'm linking up with All Seasons , a weekly meme hosted by Jesh at Artworks from Jesh St.G. Click here to check out Jesh and her meme. For the participants list, click here . Thanks, Jesh!

A Bottle Border

The Husband and I like to drink a beer now and then. As for wine, until our anniversary party last September, we rarely popped open a bottle. But, after the party was over, we were left with a bunch of bottles of red, white, and sparkling bubbly. Thank you very much, friends! A few months ago I saw a video on how to use wine bottles to create a garden border. Now you know why there's a line of bottles growing in our front yard. Giggle.

A Free Show

As our side of the Earth begins to rotate away from the sun, I like to watch the late afternoon sun's rays glimmer and glow on the tree branches above our neighbor's rooftop. Ever heard the song I Got Plenty of Nothing ? Barbra Streisand sang it in the 1960s. If I had a theme song, I'd definitely consider that song. Part of the lyrics are:   . . .I got no lock on the door, that's the way to be They can steal the rug from the floor That's okay with me, 'cause the things that I prize Like the stars in the skies they're all free Oh, I got plenty of nothin', and nothin's plenty for me. . . Today's share is with Skywatch Friday . It's been awhile. Here's the link .