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Showing posts with the label Molly's Monday

Il Lunedi di Molly la Gatta

Ciao, Sono Molly la Gatta. Molly the Cat, I am, to the rest of you. Missus Lady said if I wanted to write Monday posts, have at it. Quindi eccomi qui. So here I be. For as long as I want, I shall be Monday's guest blogger on The View from the Top of the Ladder . (It's time for a new name, agree?) Meow. Or, should you prefer, miao. Have you read any Italian words so far? Sorry. Scusa. That's the Missus Lady inserting Italian words as I dictate to her.  Missus Lady is learning Italian in a very disorderly way. Does she sign up for a class or listen to tapes? No (same in Italian, by the way a proposito, lo stresso in Italiano). When she remembers she wants to learn Italian, she finds an online translator thing and keys in English phrases. Then she says the Italian version a few times,  causing Hero Man, should he be in the office, to ask, "What are you saying over there?" Hero Man is learning Italian, too, but he waits until the Missus Lady tells him w