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Molly the Cat is missing.

She scrambled out the front door this morning in front of two guys hauling out a TV console. I saw her slip out and run into the bushes. I didn't think much of it because she knows to stay in the front yard, so I vacuumed where the console once was.

When I was done vacuuming, I heard a lot of ugly noise going on outside. The two guys were  hauling junk from the backyard and throwing stuff into a truck. Oh-oh. Molly had to be freaking out, so I went outside to bring her in.

She was no where to be found. Front yard. Back yard. Inside.

I've gone around the block several times for the last three hours calling her name. I've managed to not blubber until now. I hope Molly comes home on her own.

UPDATE:  Bellissima! Molly the Cat has been found!

I decided to look under the Mama's bed one more time. Yup! There Molly was, lying tucked snugly beneath it.  The Husband had looked under there a few hours earlier and found nothing.  

So, somewhere along the line, Molly had come back into the house (we left the front door open) and headed straight for the Mama's room.   Hurrah, hurrah!

She came straight out when she saw me. But, then I started blubbering in happiness. Molly slipped back under the bed.

It's the letter B at ABC Wednesday. Please click here to check out other posts.


  1. Awww Susie, I know just how you feel, it's dreadful when they go missing. Molly must have been scared by the men making so much noise, hopefully she'll just be hiding until she knows for certain they are gone then she'll come back on her own.

    Several years ago one of mine went missing, she never normally went any further than the garden of the house at the back of mine. I called for her for days, was convinced something really bad had happened to her and was really really upset. The three weeks later I got a call from a vet in a town ten miles away, someone had found her and took her there and the vet traced me through her microchip. There was no way she would have got so far away by herself so I could only assume she must have jumped into the back of someone's van then jumped out again when they finally stopped, and eventually she was picked up as a stray. I was so glad to get her back, and I kept her in after that to make sure she didn't go walkabout again.

    1. Just read your update - I'm really glad you found her :)

    2. Hi, Eunice. Thank goodness for your kitty's microchip. Molly has a microchip, too. I like your kitty's story. If only they could tell us their adventure.

  2. Hooray! Now no blubbering - Molly doesn't like it :)

    1. She gave me this look, "Come on, Lady!" The Husband gave me the same look. :-)

  3. Oops.... but thankfully I read more so I now know she is back, how wonderful is that

    Have a nice ABC-W-day / - week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (team abc-w)

  4. Cats are very inventive if they want to find a hiding place. I love cats!

    1. I looked through a lot of neighbors' bushes. lol

  5. Oh my goodness! I'm so happy you found her! Often they feel a lot of security under the bed and now the Mama protected her too. I would be blubbering too.

    1. I was calling on the Mama to guide her home. :-)

  6. Ah Susie, what an upset for you, so glad she's back, Our daughter Ingrid's cat Miss Tinkerbell was missing for 3 months, all over Christmas. I remember asking Christian (then aged 6) what he would like for Christmas, he replied, 'all I wan't for Christmas is Tinky back.'Would you believe we had a call from the RSPCA on Boxing Day to say they had got her and would be bringing her around, Needless to say the kids were ecstatic.... We never did find out where she had been but she was in good condition so somebody must have been feeding her,,, She barely goes out now and only for a very short time,,,Aye cat's are strange but lovely creatures..
    Love Di.
    BTW. I've not been able to contribute to ABCW this time as I've been quite poorly with a nasty chest infection, just waiting for the anti bio's to kick in

    1. Di, I hope you're feeling better. Go away chest infection, boo, boo, boo. I like your Miss Tinkerbell story. A couple people told me that cats have a way of getting back home. I wasn't sure if Molly had the tools to do so. Now, I know she can track back. She has been sticking around the doorways when she's outside. We'll see how long that lasts. :-)

  7. You didn't need to loose her right now, so glad she is found. Have a happy day.

    1. That's what I was feeling, Ann. I couldn't bear to have Molly missing. All's well that ends well.

  8. What an adorable cat. I'm glad to read the update!

    1. You can't tell from the photo, but Molly has a fluffy squirrel-like tail that looks like a backward question mark.

  9. I HATE it when they do that!!!!! I'm sure they do it on purpose ... and that look of pure innocence they give you when they do decide to let you know they're back!!! ... hate it!!!

    So glad Miss Molly-by-Golly is home and safe. :)

    1. Totally, Widders! It took her to Thursday to stop jumping at sudden movements and loud noises.

  10. I am glad Molly the cat turned up safe and sound.

  11. What a beautiful cat so glad you found her ~ Mama is still 'watching over y'all' ^_^

    Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^

  12. I am glad your cat is back. I lost 2 cats before one after another shortly when my ex-husband left. They were his babies. They ran fast from the front door sneaking out. I miss them still.

    1. Thanks, Carin. Our pets are family, for sure.

  13. That's grand news, cats, so quiet and sneaky. She has no idea the stir her ambling caused.

    1. I had that happen years ago with a 17 year old cat. I was having the carpets cleaned and locked her in the bathroom. They must have opened the door!! One of the men told me later he saw her go out the front door. I walked around the neighborhood for hours calling her name and leaving flyers in people's doors. Later that afternoon someone called from a nearby neighborhood and said she had come in her house for a while, but left. I had walked through that neighborhood calling, but that must have been when she was inside. When my husband came home from work he went out walking and found her in some bushes a few blocks away. He called her name and she meowed. Yea...happy ending, but not with lots of tears. I'm glad Molly came back!

    2. I was going up to bushes, shrubs, and thick flower plots calling Molly's name. I must've been a funny sight. I like to think our cats are happy knowing we love them so much.

  14. Molly purrs, "Thank youuuu, Amit."

  15. So glad for the happy ending. My C post, btw, is cats!


    1. Me, too, Roger. Hmmm, am I on the wrong letter?


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