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Keep the Flu at Bay!

The Husband is way up on the ladder of recuperation from that crazy virus that he came down with a couple days after Christmas. It seems this flu virus has been going on since October, but truly got worse in terms of spreading the past several weeks. In our county, health officials declared a "flu outbreak" during the last week in December, meaning a whole lot people in our area have it. The other day, the local news reported a second death in our county due to the flu. What's going on?

Simply, people get sick and don't stay home and take care of themselves, because they have to do what they need to get done. They go to work, go to school, go to stores, go to wherever. They cough. they sneeze, they blow their noses. They handle stuff and touch surfaces that others will handle and touch. Shudder.

The media has reported that the emergency department at our hospital has seen over two dozen people with the flu. No doubt they were miserable and probably thought they were on their last legs. I wonder how many got furious because they had to wait for a doctor to tell them to go home, get plenty of rest and drink lots of fluids. Antibiotics can't cure the flu.

Fortunately for the Husband and me, I didn't get sick, although he did experience a couple days of me being unreasonably bitchy, which probably was me combating slight symptoms of the flu—headache, muscle aches, chills, itchy throat, and a runny nose. To ensure I stayed healthy I consumed the same stuff that I gave the Husband: cups of straight lemon juice and honey, herbal tea concoctions for flu, soups (chicken, tomato, and hot & sour),  juices, extra doses of Vitamin C supplement, and lots and lots of glasses of water. No cheeses or any kind of milk product to keep the phlegm level at minimum. Until he no longer felt a fever, the Husband took the allowed dosage of extra-strength acetaminophen around the clock. 

Essentially, once the flu has been caught, all you can do is let it run its course. At home, if at all possible, especially during the worse of it. Please!


  1. The vaccine this year was very weak, which may be the reason why

    1. I read that this virus has been around since October. I was thinking that a lot of sick people were in the stores shopping for Christmas, hence the quick multiplying of people catching the bug.

  2. It sounds like you're experiencing something similar to us at the moment. Over here many areas of the UK have been gripped by Australian flu which, in many cases, is proving resistant to treatment. It was reported in our local paper a couple of days ago that our hospital had cancelled all routine operations and day cases to free up beds for those flu patients who are really sick; I don't want to sound selfish but it seems my son's long-awaited ankle operation last weekend was done just in time or he would have had to wait even longer.

    1. I don't think that's selfish at all, Eunice. Your Michael waited a very long time to get seen for his injury.

  3. Glad to hear the Husband is on his way up. Having spent most of last year sick I bit the bullet in November and had a flu shot for the first time. Doing OK so far. :) ... we tend to hibernate when we get the flu or colds, and try and not get sick at the same time. :)

    1. We've been getting the annual flu shots for the last several years. The nurse finally convinced me since we were taking care of the Mama. Now, we're just older.

  4. Happy Things Are Improving . . .

  5. My hubby got sick and is still recuperating and for being sick just one week, feels like a month when you deal with someone who has severe ADHD. I hope your hubby is feeling better and will soon be 100%. The flu is terrible and I think I read more people d8e of the flu than many other illnesses out there

    1. Hope the Hubby gets better soon. I was reading about the flu going epidemic in the U.S.the other day which got me thinking about the flu keeling over a lot of people in 1917 or so. With all our modern medical knowledge and technology, I'd think we'd be better when it comes to flu season.


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